Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spot On

those who listens wins, those who didnt too bad, u are an idiot!!!

Rage Against the Machines

MBS buyback by the FEB will end tonite.............this is a $24billion loss of liquidity to the mkts as Giantic Machinistic Banks will be hands tied for a while.............this machines need some oiling in the later part and will conitune its bogus drive for Higher Index prices and equities prices.............

For now, today is 31 march, last day of the month of March and the last day of the 1st Qtr of 2010, window dressing looks sure today......but well Merlins will only cast its magic for u should know what to do...........

Yesterday, Merlins have created a vortex, sucking in many pple, thats the sign we waiting for, a few more days we should be feeliing the reel of the vortex thats spinz and spinz till u are dizzy!!

enjoy the day of the Window dressing, and in case the Banshees come and starts to wail like a turbo charger, remember, the best option is to run, for she maybe unforgiving!!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

US manupilation

last rd, mkt push coz US did a spectacular GDP improvement to 5.9%, 2 mths after that our good friendly US counterparts reports this "Fourth-quarter growth in U.S. GDP revised down to 5.6%; still fastest rate in six years"....         how not obvious is data manupilation??

So this mkt is long only mkt, dun try to be funny and bet against this machinatic BULL, support by powerful algo machines traders at GS, MS, Citi and all other big brankrupt banks..............this is the Machina world.......where the fuck is John Connor or Sarah Connor when we need them, "Rise of the Machines"   We definitely dun need T1000 as Arnold and his Cali state is too bankrupt!!!

U tell me how humans can beat Machinas!! Either u follow them or u fight against them which is death...........

but however thats the longer term, short term wise, my Banshees will prevail, i think next week will be a good setup!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lord of the Ring Prophecy Prevails!!

Two nites ago, i receive a phone call from the Lord of the Ring, he spoke only 3 words "Time to Sell".....i posted it on facebook, and this morning i woke up i was "Wowed by his accuracy!! so today I have decided to form a Fellowship which consist of me, me and me, three person.......vs the Witches(Dow), Alchemists(Nasdaq), Durids(S&P),Wizards(HSI) & Merlins(STI) and of coz my dear honorable Banshees, she will always arrive when the market needs a correction..........

okie now projects on hand......besides charting on this blog, i going to introduce a stock filter for Merlin Mkt in abt June....the process is long as i asking a friend to help coz i dun have the monetary resources to ask professional to do it........parameters are all set by me which i have take time to fine tune it in the process of getting the best for SG equities......

all rite nothing much to chart abt today..........Flight to safety is the theme of the week.......Banshees hasnt really come out for Witch Hunt just yet, but its soon. my guess is when everyone expect to have a qtrly dressing, the banshee will come for the undressing!! Watch the USD index or the %DX, 81.21 is a pt of breakout and Breakout it did!! 82.095 was the last reading.....with portugal downgraded, euro likely to be hammered.......then spain, ireland and others.....

Scenarios using the dow for correction
higher Low- above 10k, we should see new high with lots of sideways trading
lower low- below 9820, double dip which will bring us back to abt 8500 before base building.......

Asia mkt will likely to follow suit, except for Japan coz dollar up yen down meaning exporters are with the strong dollar scenario, Nikkei 225 will likely be a top performer for indexes........

As for the Merlins of STI, the gap at 2791 look inevitable to be closed so that will be the Pivot pt down to test the 2680 bottom of FEB!! during the way down to 2680 from january, selling was in decent vol but on the way up to the current peak of 2930, vol has been sucky and breadth is like sissy, the que to whether we will break the 2680 depends on the vol of selldown, if its heavy i think probably we will visit the 2626 gap!!

Cheers have fun,
Ps: watch out for Vix to bounce of historical lows!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LVS Soars!!! Witches of Dow still cranking!!

Wtiches are Riding on the carbon frame of the highest quality with a Raceface Carbon Crankset act in a HUGE Garett TurboCharger!!

Banshee in hiding for now, they have been sweeped out by the witches.......but u think the death messenger will dissappear? just wait, they will be back just wait....
i saw some very beautiful setup for shorts

yesterday i share a chart on LVS with some of my friends, some laugh at today hindsight, i will post the chart i send out yesterday.....just to prove Ian is as deadly as anyone haha kidding

this is drawn yesterday abt 10 am yesterday!! hehehehehe

Monday, March 22, 2010

VIX Spot on!!!! Take Note of the Witches of Dow!!

Is the Witch hunt ready?? are the Witches of DOW waiting to be crucified?
When King Uther Pendragon of Camelot rules before Arthur, he hates Witches and magic, is this time for death of witches?? It not till Arthur became King that his Best friend Merlin finally admits he is a Wizard of magic!!! As of now The Sickles are hunting, the Banshees are Howling, Send this Witches to HELL!!

VIX spotted the correction on friday, wooohooo!!!! Pls take note from today if there is a correction, Durids of S&P and the Alchemist of Nasdaq will have larger fall percentage then Dow.......Banshees will punish them heavier.........

Friday, March 19, 2010


well well yesterday we talk abt STI have some profit taking.....nice
the Chart also show Dow breakout, and yes, the green mean machine is alive, cranking out another 40 pts!!

Durids and Alcehmist raise their hands in surrender "we cant push anymore!!!!" they just stop there, waiting for dow to do a parity, remember the dow is 1% off S&P and 1.5% off Nasdaq performance from Feb Low!!!
Worshippers of the Witch are freaking screaming "kekekeke, Sweep Sweep Sweep my magic broom, Fair is Foul and Foul is fair, Where the Dow goes, I dun care!! Sweep Sweep Sweep, Magic Broom Sweeps"

Tonite will be a very High vol and volatile day coz its triple winching day, pls becareful of this weekend as the stupid 1 trillion medicare plan will be approve by Great Obama and his unclear how this Huge Deficit shit will take in the mkts!!

today lets have a look at some VIX(mins), base on the VIX, the mkts seems to be pricing Economical turn ard like its is 2006, where everything is fine, everyone got jobs, no freaking foreclosure, no debts, huge savings........Junk bonds rallying like there is no fucking tomolo, yields drop, spread btw US treasuries(JUNK) and corporate bonds thining......every shit in the world mkts is moving up and up only......everyone looking for a freaking today we shall have a look at VIX, no longer identifying mkt bottom, today we are in Hunt for the Death of the Witches, Wizards, Durids and the Rise of the Banshee with sickle!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Discuss: are we ready for a pull back?? US indices, Vix, STI(profit taking day)

hi there

The mkt is a long mkt only, but currently overbought, We probably moving higher in the later part.....for now we try anticipating a correction. And the rampant machines(black box trading) are way too powerful there fore the mkts has no technical reasons or fundamental reason to crash before the end of this qtr!!!

Witches of the Dow, with their magical sweeping brooms, sweeps the the Dow, tested the 10730, broke through testing 10760 before closing at 10733........this is what we expected.......but 7 days in a row, the Dow is green, isit still a green mean machine, posting 40plus pts gains in the pass 3-4days.......daily chart shows a breakout!!

the Durids of the S&Ps are pushing its way up we had a target of 1170-1180, its there, is it too ready??

Merlins of the STI did well, 2930 is insight, will we get there or will Merlin lose his power in the sight of the Banshees of the double top(nah probably only a higher low).....I can hear them Howling!!!!!

oh i forgot Wizards of HSI, have they cast a magic wand after 3 days of losses and then weave their magic taking back all loss yesterday? or is it a Dead Wizard bounce........chart using fibonacci numbers....


 Dow Daily

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mkt Update on a beautiful Wednesday morning

well the FED has ensure the markets of "low rates for extended period". US stock indices rallied well, S&P doing a new high of 1159.46 and the dow slightly weaker with a 43 pts gain to 10685.98........

will show a S&P chart later, but first this is all infaltionary trades, Mkts will be heading higher, it now all depends if the Dow will punch through the 10730, if it does, i think there might be a chance Dow goes 11k and S&P goes 1200............

China pple are getting angry over Inflation, the economy is fantastically Booming, no doubt abt that. But as i expressed sometime ago on FB, China is a time bomb.........
Will US be facing Inflation?? my guess is yes, too much printing of money, fiscal policies soooooo huge and such relax monetary policies. But inflation is still better than DEFLATION, or Liquidity trap......this is Quicksand......

so today let us view something interesting today, VIX
this model will allow u to identify Mkt bottoms quiet effectively, but pls do ur own back referencing........
pls note when VIX hits out on the upper BBand, there is a 85% chance mkt has bottom or soon to bottom this is the trend which i notice quiet sometime........have fun with it...

S&P 500

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

STI chart

STI charts

We have been a leading index for sometime, we are strong, but we are a laggard........Heavily manupilated as the Jardine Stocks are pumping!!!

have a same logic as DOW, Either a red box trend line breakdown or a test of 2930, double top and BOOMZ

Dow charts

hi there
This shall be the virgin chart post of the blog......
My take of the mkt is the Dow jones Index probably will try 10730, forming a perfect double top then........bears wake up.....

at this current moment, indexes are extrememly overbought......rallies are done in small pathetic volumes....I doubt it will sustain..........

pls click to enlarge

Ladies and gentlemen, Ian is back........

Hi there all,

I migrated my post from facebook, coz many complain i am flooding it and i frustrated coz the charts i post up are soooooo freaking small that I myself cant freaking see it!!

So what do I wanna achieve here, basically nothing.....I just wanna share what i know and my 2 cents worth of thoughts and analyst...I am just a basic human, I cant beat the mkt but i sure can anticipate the market to a certain extend........of coz adding some self fufilling technical analysis and my beloved charts..

Please do read my commentary with a open mind, its all abt sharing........of coz I have my own views and I will stick to it!!

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