Thursday, April 21, 2011

The breakdown 2 days ago, a abandon baby, a power melt up, and finally will this be the breakout of Bull Flag formed yesterday...

looking at how the mkt response last nite in the US it downright possible we gonna breakout...............

last week we spoke abt the interesting Dojis on the monthly charts on the US indices we should be able to give a view after labour day

cheers have a great day trading

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

FSSTI has chosen the Path: Down!! (update for yesterday)

FSSTI has chosen the path

Chart With indicators!!

Last Nite US Trading

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mark of the end of a Fakish Bull??

almost 1 mth no blog, on 16 march, VIX triggered a bottom call, and true enough global mkt bottom out on 18/03/2011 and did a spectacular V-shape recovery not taking Japan devastation into consideration, increasing high oil prices........middle east violence.......

on FB we discuss abt US indices hitting new high before correction with dow a target of 12600 (prediction was 150 pts off) and now we spotted a new trend developement on the monthly charts, Doji Stars............rule of candle sticks says its need confirmation before a trend is reverse so end of april we will know the fate of the US mkts............will it really signal a reversal?
(hmmm dun forget there is a possiblity of a double top in play)

with QE2 coming to an end...............and pple starting to look at the reality, its highly possible

Dow Monthly

S&P Monthly

Nasdaq monthly

a view of last nite mkt

Come end April i will be able to give all a new prediction of the second half of the mkt.............cheers
happy trading and buyer beware, You have been WARNED

Yours truly

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