Friday, August 26, 2011

Dow Jones update

After the Break of the Bear Flag, testing 10800, the sharp pull up to the bear flag resisitence and Boomz, a 170 pts downwards rush last nite........

2 scenario possible over the weekend

1. QE 3 in the talks.......mkt shortcover and later crash
2. QE 3 not in talks.......mkt retest lows and recover slowly

whatever that happen over Jackson Hole wyoming......long term i am bearish, i am looking at a good bear rally to load puts........

Position sizing is crucial......

Friday, August 19, 2011

FSSTI Charts update (before mkt open)

same like the US indices, Flags is seen........a retest of a low 2720 is critical
Due to the severity and lack of data evidence that the economy is still going strong, and oversell may happen....pricing in recession



Trade safe, this is no ordinary mkt.............


INDU Update

A few days ago we noted that many charts are showing formation of bear flags. should the Low not hold....some scary selling will be triggered


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Will history Repeats itself??

The observation of the similarity on the S&P 500 on 2008 top and the top made in 2011 is uncannily similar.....

characteristics of selldown and rebound pattterns has all so been continueing into the next 4 mths will everything be the same........

if using history as a guide and basing upon the same lines if that is to happen..........28dec Bradley key reversal date could spell a new Bear mkt........

i tend to beleive History do tell us a story...........this is a mkt phenomenom.

trade safe, position sizing is key in this volatile mkts

Have fun


STI, Dow Support and resistence line........Are we looking at a Bear Rally or a Bearish Flag?


 Sysmetrical Triangle Breakdown, measurement objective still at 50%, final correction pt stays at 2650
should Rebound push all the way above 3000, pictures should change. at the moment status quo...


looking kinda obvious a bear flag is forming, alittle too obvious, there is a 50% chance to surpirse to the upside.
no change still expecting a retest of lows before a decent bounce abt 1250-60

Monday, August 08, 2011


On Aug 3, i posted the Hypothesis chart on whether this will happen, and it did happen.........the above is the update.......this is Rape......

Trade safe..........Trade safe with good discipline, mkt is always there, mkt not rite dun have to trade........


Friday, August 05, 2011

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Charts on Dow & S&P500

both charts look horribly Ugly, seems in oversold territory and a bounce should be seen soon............
too deep a correction may trigger QE3

trade well, position sizing is critical...........cheers

Ian Li

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